CoWork Amenities


Features and Amenities

Onsite Concierge Services

Onsite concierge and support services are available 7:30 AM – 5:30 PM.

Fully Furnished

Fully furnished spaces professionally decorated artwork, lush plants, wall features, and comfortable furnishings.

Business Class Internet

Business-class internet for safe, secure network connections.

Ideal Setting

Lush Scripps Ranch landscaped setting featuring mature eucalyptus trees.

Free Parking and Utilities

Parking and utilities are included in your rate.

Cafe Lounge

Included with all office rentals

A spacious, rejuvenating space for work breaks and convivial camaraderie throughout the day.


  • Complimentary coffee, beverages, and light snacks
  • Industrial refrigerators for meal storage
  • Kitchenette with microwave, toaster oven, and dishwasher
  • Ample seating and table space
CoWork Cafe

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